Released 4th APRIL, 2022
We listened when you requested more project management style features for managing your marketing, and we’re pleased to announce the launch of Campaign Groups.

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Campaign Groups
Add your campaign to customised groups to help you manage your marketing. Creating groups is easy:
- You’ll find a “Group With” button above the campaign name, click to add the campaign to a new or an existing group
- Alternatively, use the dropdown from Add Campaign on the top bar to create a new group

Once you have grouped your campaigns you will be able to:
- Group the timeline by Campaign Group
- Set a goal for the campaign group, e.g. generate 300 paying customers, we’ll then tell you whether your current planned campaigns will enable you to hit that goal
- Add a description to aid planning and communicate to your colleagues what your intentions are with your marketing activity

Of course, you can ungroup any campaigns whenever you need to.
If you were previously using labels for grouping, feel free to drop us a note and we’ll switch your labels to groups for you.