Released 29th APRIL, 2022
We’re extremely pleased to announce that you can now sync your Hubspot and LinkedIn data into your TrueNorth account. Read on to find out more.

You can now connect both your funnel and campaigns to your Hubspot account:
- For your funnel, this means you can track your leads, subscribers, customers or opportunities for any sales pipeline or lifecycle stage
- For campaigns, import and track performance on your landing pages, site pages or blog posts
Start integrating Hubspot with TrueNorth here

Import and track LinkedIn campaigns from your timeline:
- Keep up-to-date with your ROI and see the impact that LinkedIn advertising is having on your funnel performance.
Start integrating LinkedIn with TrueNorth here
Improved & Fixed
There are a whole host of new changes to the platform designed to make managing your marketing a whole lot easier:
💪 We’ve made some major improvements to our onboarding process. You should no longer see issues when trying to create a growth projection for the first time, and editing the funnel and goal are a lot clearer. Similarly, we’ve made it easier to understand how to connect and disconnect integrations.
📃 We’re also pleased to announce the launch of our Help Centre where we take you step by step through set up, editing and understanding the platform.